Let Go of Limiting Beliefs About Money放弃对金钱的限制性信念
Aug 29, 2023
Let Go of Limiting Beliefs About Money放弃对金钱的限制性信念
A man was walking through the circus grounds when he noticed several elephants in one area. They didn’t have chains and they weren’t in cages. They were secured only with a small rope tied around one of their ankles.一名男子在马戏团场地散步时,注意到一个区域有几只大象。他们没有铁链,也没有被关在笼子里。他们只用一根小绳子绑在他们的脚踝上来固定他们。
Because the elephants were thousands of pounds, the man knew they could easily break free from these ropes and stampede through the circus grounds. Puzzled by this, the man asked a trainer why the elephants didn’t try to free themselves.由于大象重达数千磅,该男子知道它们可以轻松挣脱这些绳索并在马戏团场地中奔跑。这名男子对此感到困惑,他问驯象师为什么大象不尝试释放自己。
The trainer told him the elephants had been tied to those ropes since they were young. At that age, the elephants were too small to break free. When the baby elephants tried, they quickly learned they could not escape.驯兽师告诉他,大象从小就被绑在这些绳子上。在那个年纪,大象太小了,无法挣脱。当小象尝试时,它们很快就发现自己无法逃脱。
Eventually, they were conditioned to believe breaking free from the rope was impossible.最终,他们习惯性地相信挣脱绳索是不可能的。
And as adults, they still believe the rope can hold them, so they don’t try to escape.作为成年人,他们仍然相信绳子可以抓住他们,所以他们不会试图逃跑。

What is a Limiting Belief?什么是限制性信念?
Limiting beliefs are beliefs about ourselves and others that we create to stay safe and survive in the world.限制性信念是我们为了在世界上保持安全和生存而创造的关于自己和他人的信念。
Similar to the rope in the parable, these beliefs are often false, yet they still render us powerless, preventing us from taking risks and achieving our goals.与寓言中的绳子类似,这些信念往往是错误的,但它们仍然使我们无能为力,阻止我们冒险并实现我们的目标。
We may think we lack the ability to achieve but all too often, this is a mistaken belief we have learned and accepted to be true over time. Rather than challenge these beliefs, we let them guide our decisions and behavior for the worse.我们可能认为自己缺乏实现目标的能力,但很多时候,这是一种错误的信念,随着时间的推移,我们已经认识到并接受了这一信念。我们不会挑战这些信念,而是让它们引导我们的决策和行为变得更糟。
Common Limiting Beliefs About Money关于金钱的常见限制性信念
Money is “hard” to obtain – Earning money requires hard work, stress, and long hours.钱是“很难”获得的——赚钱需要努力工作、压力和长时间的工作。
Money is scarce – Money is scarce, so I need to hold on to what I have.钱很稀缺——钱很稀缺,所以我需要保住我所拥有的。
Money is the root of all evil – People who focus on making money are greedy, selfish, and lack integrity.金钱是万恶之源——一心只想赚钱的人是贪婪、自私、缺乏诚信的。
Money doesn’t buy happiness – Focusing on material wealth leads to a sad, pointless life.金钱买不来幸福——专注于物质财富会导致悲伤、毫无意义的生活。
Money is hard to manage – Managing and improving my finances is confusing, frustrating, and difficult.金钱很难管理——管理和改善我的财务状况是令人困惑、令人沮丧和困难的。
I need money to be happy – Once I have enough money to live the life I want, I can be happy.我需要钱才能快乐——一旦我有足够的钱过上我想要的生活,我就能快乐。
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Where Do Limiting Beliefs Come From?限制性信念从何而来?
Stories From Your Past你过去的故事
Despite events of the past lying firmly in the rear-view mirror, many of us still allow them to influence our current reality.尽管过去的事件牢牢地留在后视镜中,但我们中的许多人仍然允许它们影响我们当前的现实。
We tell stories about our past and use them to paint ourselves and our future. As we recycle these thoughts and repeat them, their impact on our beliefs grows stronger, eventually limiting our understanding of what is possible.我们讲述我们的过去的故事,并用它们来描绘我们自己和我们的未来。当我们重复这些想法时,它们对我们信念的影响就会越来越大,最终限制我们对可能性的理解。
Here are examples of stories about our past that become limiting beliefs:以下是关于我们过去的故事的例子,这些故事成为了限制性信念:
Story #1: I invested heavily in the wrong career in the past. I have to stay in the same career in the future.故事#1:我过去在错误的职业上投入了大量资金。未来我必须继续从事同样的职业。
Story #2: I make x-amount of money now. I will make roughly the same amount of money in the future.故事#2:我现在赚了 x 数额的钱。未来我会赚到大致相同的钱。
Story #3: My business failed in the past. I will probably fail at business in the future.故事#3:我的生意过去失败了。我以后做生意很可能会失败。
Story #4: I lost money investing in the past. I will lose money investing in the future.故事#4:我过去投资亏了钱。投资未来我会赔钱。
Limiting beliefs will have you convinced that your past determines your future. When, in reality, your past in no way guarantees your future – that is, unless you let it.限制性信念会让你相信你的过去决定你的未来。事实上,你的过去并不能保证你的未来——也就是说,除非你允许。
Your Role Models 你的榜样
Our ideas and values are rarely our own, especially in our younger years. When we are young, we look for role models who can show us who to be and how to be in the world.我们的想法和价值观很少是我们自己的,尤其是在我们年轻的时候。当我们年轻的时候,我们寻找能够告诉我们成为谁以及如何在世界上生活的榜样。
Growing up, your role models are likely your parents or close family, all of whom have their own ideas and values they instilled in you.在成长过程中,你的榜样可能是你的父母或亲密的家人,他们都有自己的想法和价值观灌输给你。
Perhaps your mother was an attorney, and she taught you that earning money requires hard work and long hours. Or your father taught you that starting a business is reckless and that having a stable job is the responsible thing to do.也许你的母亲是一名律师,她告诉你赚钱需要努力工作和长时间工作。或者你的父亲告诉你,创业是鲁莽的事情,拥有一份稳定的工作才是负责任的事情。
To be clear, there is nothing inherently wrong with these ideas and values. They are designed to keep you safe. However, such ideas are often rooted in fear – fear that becomes a limiting belief keeping you from achieving your financial goals.需要明确的是,这些想法和价值观并没有本质上的错误。它们旨在确保您的安全。然而,这些想法往往植根于恐惧——恐惧会成为阻碍你实现财务目标的限制性信念。
The Cost of Limiting Beliefs限制信念的代价
You might be surprised to learn that limiting beliefs frequently come with a payoff. The payoff manifests in many forms, such as a feeling of control, validation, safety, etc.您可能会惊讶地发现,限制信念常常会带来回报。回报有多种形式,例如控制感、认可感、安全感等。
For example, believing that money is the root of all evil might make you feel justified in your lack of financial responsibility. Similarly, staying in a job you hate because you believe you are too old to start a new career could offer a sense of safety and control.例如,相信金钱是万恶之源可能会让你觉得自己缺乏经济责任是合理的。同样,因为你认为自己太老而无法开始新的职业,所以继续从事你讨厌的工作可以提供安全感和控制感。
However, it’s important to remember that while limiting beliefs can feel empowering, they can also come at a significant cost.然而,重要的是要记住,虽然限制信念可以让人感到有力量,但也可能付出巨大的代价。
If being in a clinic, cubicle, or cath lab makes you miserable, but you believe you have to stay to be financially secure, your limiting belief is costing you your vitality and well-being.如果在诊所、小隔间或导管实验室让您感到痛苦,但您认为自己必须留下来才能获得经济保障,那么您的有限信念就会损害您的活力和幸福感。
If your disorganized finances stress you out and you avoid organizing them based on a belief that money is hard to manage, you are robbing yourself of peace of mind.如果你杂乱无章的财务状况给你带来压力,并且你因为相信金钱难以管理而避免组织它们,那么你就是在剥夺自己内心的平静。
If you believe you can’t be happy in the present because you’re not where you want to be financially, you’re cheating yourself out of the joy of living in the present.如果你认为自己无法在当下快乐,因为你在经济上没有达到你想要的目标,那么你就是在欺骗自己,失去了活在当下的快乐。
If you believe that money is scarce and, therefore, you must save every penny, you are starving yourself of valuable opportunities at the moment.如果你认为钱是稀缺的,因此你必须节省每一分钱,那么你现在就在缺乏宝贵的机会。
Your limiting beliefs about money can keep you stuck in scarcity instead of living a fulfilled, abundant life.你对金钱的限制性信念会让你陷入匮乏之中,而不是过上充实、丰富的生活。
How to Let Go of Limiting Belief如何摆脱限制性信念
Here’s the good news – you don’t have to live within the constraints of your limiting belief. Here are some simple steps to help you overcome them.好消息是——你不必生活在有限信念的束缚中。以下是一些帮助您克服这些问题的简单步骤。
Check for Truth 检查真相
Thoughts and feelings are not facts, but we often use them as the basis for our reality. An excellent way to lose your limiting belief is to consider that they might not be true.想法和感受不是事实,但我们经常用它们作为现实的基础。摆脱限制性信念的一个好方法是考虑它们可能不是真的。
Here’s a mental exercise. Close your eyes and identify a limiting belief you have, then challenge that point of view and imagine a world where an alternative is true.这是一个心理练习。闭上眼睛,找出你所拥有的限制性信念,然后挑战该观点并想象一个存在替代方案的世界。
Here are some examples:这里有些例子:
Limiting belief: Earning money requires hard work, stress, and insane hours.限制性信念:赚钱需要努力工作、压力和疯狂的时间。
Truth: I can make the money I earn work for me. I have the tools and resources to make money and grow my wealth outside of work.真相:我可以让我赚到的钱为我工作。我拥有在工作之外赚钱和增加财富的工具和资源。
Limiting belief: Money is scarce. I need to hold on to what I have.限制性信念:金钱稀缺。我需要坚持我所拥有的。
Truth: Money is abundant. I have skills that solve real problems and money flows easily to me.真相:钱很充裕。我拥有解决实际问题的技能,金钱很容易流向我。
Limiting belief: Money is the root of all evil.限制性信念:金钱是万恶之源。
Truth: Money is neither good nor evil. It’s a resource that allows me to care for myself, my family, and my community.真相:金钱无善无恶。这是一种让我能够照顾自己、家人和社区的资源。
Limiting belief: Managing my finances is complicated, confusing, and frustrating.限制性信念:管理我的财务是复杂、令人困惑和令人沮丧的。
Truth: I can find a simple, workable system to manage and improve my finances.真相:我可以找到一个简单、可行的系统来管理和改善我的财务状况。
Limiting belief: I need money to be happy.限制性信念:我需要金钱才能快乐。
Truth: My goal is to be financially free, but I can find happiness in the present moment and enjoy the journey.真相:我的目标是实现财务自由,但我可以在当下找到幸福并享受这段旅程。
It takes self-awareness to consider a different point of view than our own, but often, once we find the courage to do so, we learn we were wrong about what we initially believed.考虑与我们自己不同的观点需要自我意识,但通常,一旦我们有勇气这样做,我们就会发现我们最初的信念是错误的。
Let Go of the Past Stories放下过去的故事
You have the power to choose what story you tell about the past.您有权选择讲述过去的故事。
That’s because the past only exists in your thoughts and you control your thoughts. The past has no power over your future unless you give it that power.那是因为过去只存在于你的思想中,而你控制着你的思想。过去对你的未来没有任何影响力,除非你赋予它这种力量。
You get to decide what every event from your past means.你必须决定你过去发生的每件事意味着什么。
For example, you might think that because you failed in business before, you’ll also fail at business in the future. But you have the power to reinterpret your past failures as par for the course in entrepreneurship. Even the most accomplished business leaders fail and you are still capable of success.例如,你可能会认为,因为你以前在生意上失败了,所以你将来也会在生意上失败。但你有能力将你过去的失败重新解释为创业课程的标准。即使是最有成就的商业领袖也会失败,而你仍然有能力取得成功。
Choosing what to believe in every moment empowers you to create a future different from your past.选择每时每刻相信什么,可以让你创造一个与过去不同的未来。
Stand by Your Commitments恪守您的承诺
We find evidence for the things we believe to be true. This is why limiting beliefs are so challenging to overcome.我们为我们相信的事情寻找证据。这就是为什么限制性信念很难克服。
However, when you stand one hundred percent committed to your goal, all the ifs, buts, and maybe some days you have about it fade into the background.然而,当你百分百致力于你的目标时,所有的“如果”、“但是”,甚至某些日子你可能会忘记它。
Example: 例子:
You commit to spending more time doing what you want and less of what you don’t want. Because that’s your commitment, you make a plan on saving for a couple of years to quit the job that you no longer want and replace it with something else that you do want.你承诺花更多的时间做你想做的事,少做你不想要的事。因为这是你的承诺,所以你制定了存钱几年的计划,以辞掉你不再想要的工作,并用你确实想要的其他工作来取代它。
This is a big decision and you’ll likely feel fear and anxiety. Those emotions can quickly drive you to second guess whether it can be done.这是一个重大决定,您可能会感到恐惧和焦虑。这些情绪很快就会促使你重新猜测是否可以完成。
When this happens, remember to return to your commitment: you are committed to spending more time doing what you want and less of what you don’t want.当这种情况发生时,请记住回到你的承诺:你致力于花更多的时间做你想做的事情,更少的时间做你不想要的事情。
In doing so, you empower yourself to pursue the things you want, regardless of the negative thoughts and feelings you’re experiencing.这样做,你就会赋予自己力量去追求你想要的东西,不管你正在经历什么消极的想法和感受。
Final thoughts 最后的想法
Limiting beliefs are narratives that keep us stuck and render us powerless.限制性信念是让我们陷入困境并使我们无能为力的叙述。
They prevent us from taking risks and achieving our goals. But, with repeated practice in self-awareness, you can begin to see a possible alternative and take your power back.它们阻止我们冒险并实现我们的目标。但是,通过反复练习自我意识,你可以开始看到可能的替代方案并收回你的力量。
Sure, overcoming limiting beliefs doesn’t guarantee that you achieve your goals. But at least you won’t be the one keeping yourself from that possibility.当然,克服限制性信念并不能保证你实现目标。但至少你不会成为那个让自己远离这种可能性的人。